Featured image of post Walk towards it
Featured image of post Walk towards it

Walk towards it

A poem about a start

Turn the radio off

and put your boots on.

The time has come;

you’ve got a new goal.

Cross the threshold

with courage, be strong.

Seek the treasures

hidden in the new world.

It’s not a land or a job;

it’s a new way of thought.

Here the difficult questions

are the measurement of worth.

As necessary, you can be wrong,

as there’s no punishment of any sort.

The truth is not bold,

nor it’s easy to be told.

Truth wants to be found

by you and you alone.

Reality is much more

than what you see in your soul.

Though, it is your core,

what we call your world.

But you must know

that facts have no purpose.

When gravity lets you fall,

it doesn’t mean it went rogue.

It means you forgot

that precious hoards

are often buried on the floor.

So when you meet the hard soil,

don’t think you have lost.

Keep searching a bit more,

and don’t lose any hope.

In Ribadeo (Spain) by Lucía Ferro

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