Featured image of post Sweat and fluids
Featured image of post Sweat and fluids

Sweat and fluids

Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash

Machines creating wonderful things

We look at this piece of meat

like a bunch of iron hinges, wood and wheels.

We don’t see a body.

Instead, we see a machine.

We misuse it

letting our blood run free.

Our sweat.

Our fluids.

We perceive them as waste.

We even feel ashamed.

As if they were a sign of our character weakening.

Why do we so often forget

they are proof we are alive and breathing?

Only when the body hurts

we finally understand

that it is a part of us,

the reflection of our minds.

But then it’s full of scars

imperceptible to the human eye.

Bleeding wounds. Invisible ones.

They are painful and chronical.

Some are infected and smell bad.

And still, we think

we can be repaired

like a machine.

We take oils, drugs or medicines;

hoping that magically

it, all, will heal.

And here we are, continuing

because we keep forgetting

we are human beings.

Yes, indeed, we can create

wonderful things

but we first need to dream

and that we can only do when we are asleep.

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