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Mistakes do not take us apart from the truth, in fact, their acknowledgement brings us closer to it.

Lucía Ferro (1991, Galicia (Spain))

I started writing as a child because I felt the urge to express myself. From a very young age, I noticed that communicating my emotions and opinions out loud was not welcome, it was not safe. I then found in writing the perfect confidant who always listens to me no matter what I have to say. Stories and poems filled pages and pages that, unfortunately, have been lost.

I grew up in a beautiful village on the coast. There I learned to play soccer and enjoy the sea in winter. I learned many things, good and bad, but those two are an important part of my personality. Observing such an immense force as the ocean is, working slowly and persistently while carving the rocks that create such marvellous cliffs; leads you to deep thinking. And, sure, writing plenty of metaphors in which salt water is the main protagonist.

Years passed, and it came time for me to go to university in A Coruña, where I began to question myself and became independent. In cities, you lose contact with nature, which I hate, but they are undoubtedly a meeting point for different forms of culture and knowledge; therefore, it was a bittersweet and enriching transition. Despite all the signs around writing, I didn’t indulge in literature. Nor translation or philosophy. I studied nursing, which was what I then believed a seventeen-year-old girl needed to do if she wanted to save the world (and the people she loved). Still, writing chased me through college as well. It was then that I was considered to write a novel. Thirty-three pages later, I realized I had no idea what I was doing. Misguidedly, instead of learning, I gave up and decided to leave it to short stories and poems.

Right after graduation, I emigrated to Cambridge (England) where I learned English and discovered the great variety of cultures that the world holds. When you go so far from home, you evolve by force, as the blows of reality come often and with brutality. I later moved to Eindhoven (Netherlands), where I currently reside. Here I learned Dutch and found the peace of mind I needed to truly know myself, an indispensable process to grow as a writer.

In life, we are supposed to go through happy and difficult times. For a good part of my life, the bad moments piled up and caused me a lot of pain. On top of that, due to the circumstances, it took me quite a while to process everything that happened, which only worsened the situation. Writing became my lifejacket to survive hardships, relieve pain and also, to feel satisfied and fulfilled as a person. Nursing is a very valuable profession, but very unrewarding. The truth is all those beautiful moments when you feel that your efforts are worth it, are very rare.

Publishing my first novel was no easy task, but seeing that I have managed to write a book with particular social value fills me with pride. This has encouraged me to take action and act on those thoughts hanging around my head for so that I did not dare to carry out. After eight years of experience and a great appreciation for the profession and its teachings, I left nursing behind (or at least put it on hold) so I could devote all my time to writing.

Today I write articles, short stories, poems and novels. I erased any limits my mind might have in the past and I dream to provide this society with something else than simple entertainment.

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Look at her latest book 📕, En Brandán
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